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Quality Policy

Company management has defined its own quality policy:

  • customers contentment is more important than finance effect,

  • be ready to serve without unnecessary bureaucracy,

  • in every moment be ready to comply the predefined term to customers,

  • eliminate faults of previous contractors and in agreement with customer complete work up to the highest technical standards,

  • recommend to customers usage of quality equipment and products,

  • technically advise customers about advantages and disadvantages for every installed product,

  • cooperation with verified suppliers on the mutually contentment,

  • accomplish, hold and continually improve products quality regarding to client requirements, and constantly upgrading efficacy of Quality control system,

  • efficacy of Quality control system is direction for establishing and grading of quality aims under acquired plans,

  • understanding and propagation of this policy is management obligation

  • towards permanently suitability of quality policy, management periodically grade (at least once on year) realization of this policy

  • constantly raise services and products quality through training and professionally specializations of our employees

  • give higher attention to disable malfunctions in process than elimination after appearance

  • accomplish competition on market with this policy

Customers contentment, according with professional codes and ethics are the best awards for our business activity.